This is epic. With the latest 1.5b+ software when the
game is ended by a master controller, the phaser displays show the game
statistics for that player. If the player pulls the trigger, they will
then be shown the session statistics. Game stats relates only to the
last game played. Session stats relate to all games played since the
unit was turned on with a key.
D means number of deactivations you have made
T means number of tags you have made
S means the number of reactivations often known as respawns
A/W means the assist to wound ratio as a fraction. An assist includes
all you tags and deactivations made on opposing players. A wound is all
the tags you have received including whenever you were deactivated.
A% is your accuracy percentage
K/D means kill to death ratio. K is the number of deactivations you have
made, D is the number of times you were deactivated.
HP is the hit points you had left when the game ended
Same as game stats except final HP is not shown.
The bottom line of the display will show how this phaser entered game
over state. RX END means the master controller ended the game.
We will also need a version of this for the user guide for SATR
Generally changing back to Battlefield LIVE terms so we have
With the latest 1.5b+ software when the battle is ended by a master
controller, the gaming gun displays show the game statistics for that
gamer. If the gamer pulls the trigger, they will then be shown the
session statistics. Game stats relates only to the last battle played.
Session stats relate to all simulations since the unit was turned on
with a key.
K means number of kills you have made
H means number of hiss you have made
S means the number of respawns
A/W means the assist to wound ratio as a fraction. An assist includes
all you hits and kills made on opposing gamers. A wound is all the hits
you have received including whenever you were killed.
A% is your accuracy percentage
K/D means kill to death ratio. K is the number of kills you have made, D
is the number of times you died.
HP is the hit points you had left when the battle ended
Same as game stats except final HP is not shown.
The bottom line of the display will show how this gaming gun entered
game over state. RX END means the master controller ended the game.