WEST KIMBERLEY, AU: The Derby scout group, led by Jason
Bradley, recently purchased some Laser skirmish gaming
Skirmish is a fun safe game that can be played
absolutely anywhere.
The scout troop is located in the west Kimberley, in
outback Western Australia. Scouting in Western Australia
has a proud history, in fact Scouting began in Western
Australia in 1908.
The key use of the gaming gear is for fundraisers.
The scouts troop run Birthdays, fundraisers, functions
or just hire them out for fun.
They play either indoor or outdoor events.
Scouts are all about teaching bush survival, first aid,
and general life skills which will help to guide them in
the right direction.
Scouts also teach confidence and leadership skills.
Jason the Scout Leader teaches his tribe to have pride
in what they do and to do their best each day.
"We teach them to be part of a team to achieve their
goals," said Jason.
"Both cub scouts and
Joeys have have lots of fun with them."
For booking or costs just call the Derby Scout Group
Leader on 0417953767 and speak with Jason.