Traditional indoor laser tag was played with plastic “phasers” with a score sheet - the focus was on the individual and their personal ranking, from the best to the worst player.
Rather we believe in team work.
Our focus, instead, is on achieving team objectives.
Victory or defeat, as a team depends on whether, or not, the mission objective was achieved. This also enables the use of authentic tactics, like room clearing. Individual gamers can track their own statistics, such as shooting accuracy, number of tags, number of de-activations, on their own
gaming gun in real time.
The technology supports the development of a positive culture.
The SATR system
gives you real-time
gaming stats such as
kills / death (K/D)
ratio and
Assists/Wound (A/W)
Ratio. Gamers know
how many kills (k)
they got, as well as
how many hits (h)
they made. The
statistics also lets
him know how many
times they've
Re-spawned (s) and
their Accuracy
percentage (A%).
And, finally, how
many hit Points
(HP) they are left
with at the end of
the game. This
makes it just like a
LIVE computer game.
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to take
the next step...